A New Twist to Classic Fairy Tales

I know I’m behind on my posts, and I know today is “Summer Reading List” day, but I’ve decided to change things up a bit. I’ve decided to add some variety to this blog, so work with me here on my somewhat slow pace.

And don’t worry I will continue to have a “Guilty Pleasure” day, and my music day will continue to be on Fridays.

In addition, I plan to increase the number of posts I make a week. This week there will be five posts starting with: Cinderfella.

No, not Cinderella, Cinderfella. A revamping of the classic fairy tale with a gay twist.

If you like fairy tales, happily-ever-after endings, equaility and music videos, then this is the video to watch.

There’re a few celebrity cameos as well. Can you pick them out?

To keep to the fairy tale theme, here are a few showcases in the new “Diasterland” exibit at the La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles. Some of Disney’s most recognizable characters are portrayed in some unlikely predicaments.

And some are protrayed in some same-sex cliches.

To see more exhibitions from “Diasterland,” check out laluzdejesus.com. Click on ‘Current Exhibitions,’ then click on the picture of Bambi.

If you still can’t find it, click on ‘Previous Exhibitions,’ then go down until you see the dates August 3 – 26, and then click on the picture of Bambi. And enjoy!